Over the last 10 years, Arts & Letters and the Georgia College MFA Program have contributed over $300,000 to: Arts & Letters prize competitionsContributor payment, Georgia College visiting writers and MFA Student Scholarships. All this has come from donations by the GCSU Foundation, the College of Arts & Sciences, Dept. of English & Rhetoric, and many generous individual donors.


If you’d like to donate, you can make a check payable to “GCSU Foundation” and in a short note, simply tell us what you would like your gift to support:

  • The Creative Writing Program Fund (our general fund, Account #915)
  • The Arts & Letters Prizes Endowment (Account # 338)
  • The Susan Atefat Prize in Creative Nonfiction Endowment (Account # 361)
  • Creative Writing Student Scholarships Endowment (Account #367)

Please send your cheque to:
Martin Lammon
Campus Box 44,
Georgia College
Milledgeville, GA 31061

If you’d like to donate online, then you may click the button below, select “Make a gift” search any of the aforementioned funds, and enter the amount you’d like to donate. Thank you!