FALL 2001PRINT ISSUES SOLD OUTARTS & LETTERS PRIZES Rachel Pastan, FictionSam O’Grady Peggy Ann Tartt, PoetryInstead of CarnationsThe Dying SeasonPOETRY K.E. AllenWoman in a Boat Kathryn Stripling ByerHoot OwlLooking Out Maria Elena Caballero-RobbYellow Fever A.V....
Issue 5
SPRING 2001PRINT ISSUES SOLD OUTARTS & LETTERS PRIZE Roy Sorrels, DramaOn New GroundPOETRY Marilyn AnnucciWrecked WorldGirl Listening Fleda BrownSestina for Elvis Peter CooleySmall Poem in Search of DepressionSmall Poem Containing a RadianceSmall Poem in Which the...
Issue 4
FALL 2000ARTS & LETTERS PRIZES Harry Bloom, FictionShapes Ann Pelletier, PoetryNothingOne Hundred StepsFear Keeps HoldPOETRY Daniel CorrieSuperman Laurie LamonPain Thinks of the Beautiful TablePartiality Mary Elizabeth ParkerWe Might Become Starved Jane R....
Issue 3
SPRING 2000ARTS & LETTERS PRIZE Arthur Meryash, DramaAugustinaPOETRY Colleen AndersonWatermarkWe Talk at Night David BakerTwo Clouds Donald HallFour EastersLove Poem Christine Boyka KlugeChoosing a TongueSea Urchins Miriam Morsel NathanThe Green Cashmere Sweater...
Issue 2
FALL 1999PRINT ISSUES SOLD OUTARTS & LETTERS PRIZES Norman Goodwin, PoetryThe ConferenceThe Hit James Crnkovich, FictionLaundromat PeoplePOETRY One BuchananOnly Yak in Batesville, VA Jennifer Fumiko CahillComfort Beth Ann FennellyMother Sends My Poem to Her Sister...
Issue 1
SPRING 1999PRINT ISSUES SOLD OUT!POETRY Michael WatersDivine Will Stuart LishanBlood Odds Laurie LamonPain Tries to Think of SomethingOne Thing Katherine SoniatEvening BellsSolstices Jim BarnesIn VauvenarguesFin de Siecle at Schloss SolitudeAt an Art SaleFICTION...